Postal Museum

Photo of a horsedrawn mail carriage Photo of a horsedrawn mail carriage
Photo by me, a bit dark really.

Located near the misleadingly named Mount Pleasant sorting office, The Postal Museum houses a surprisingly wide ranging collection of artefacts.

It is particularly geared towards families, with lots of interactive exhibits for children.

The ticket includes a ride on the Mail Rail, which I thought made it reasonably good value.

£18.60 - Children £10

Mail Rail

Photo of a small train that carries visitors Photo of a small train that carries visitors
Photo by me, these trains really are tiny.

The pithily named Mail Rail is a tiny undergound railway built in the 1920s to transport, well, mail.

Only a small part of it is rideable, with tours lasting 15 minutes, including stops to watch short films about the history of the system.

I thought it was good fun and well done, some of the children on the ride weren’t fans of the noise and slightly unnerving simulated power cut.


Dressed to Deliver

Learn about the evolution of postal uniforms from Victorian times to today, including their role in expressing identity and cultural diversity.

Included in entry
