Parks & Gardens

A picture of a meadow in the park with long grass and reeds, with an information sign in the foreground.

Camley Street Natural Park

Canal-side nature reserve.

A picture of a man on a recumbant bicycle in front of a wooden shelter

Dulwich Park

Wide roads and recumbent bikes.

Photo showing a view of Queens House with skyscrapers behind.

Greenwich Park

An Observatory and city views.

A picture of a waterfall surrounded by trees

Holland Park

Varied park with gardens and woodland.

Photo of a path running through Hyde Park lined with gas lamps

Hyde Park / Kensington Gardens

Large park with palaces and galleries.

A view of the structure in the middle of Lincoln's Inn Fields

Lincoln's Inn Fields

London's largest public square.

A picture of a flower border in the park.

Postman's Park

Small park and memorial to self-sacrifice.

A fountain in Reagent's Park, with a pigeon in it.

Regent's Park

Fountains and rose gardens.

Photo showing the bandstand in Southwark Park

Southwark Park

Large park with sports facilities.

View from St James's Park across the lake

St James's Park

Touristy park with lakes and Pelicans

St Pancras Old Church, framed by trees with autumn leaves covering the ground.

St Pancras Gardens

Historic churchyard with grand monuments.

A picture of a cherry tree in bloom

The Green Park

Right next to Buckingham Palace.

Photo of a border of slightly battered looking pink tulips.

Victoria Embankment Gardens

Statues and memorials by the Thames.